Discover how to combat omnichannel fraud with advanced AI solutions

Download our exclusive guide:

Omnichannel fraud: navigating the complexities of digital and in-person threats

In an era where over 61% of customer interactions occur online, fraudsters are shifting their focus to in-person interactions, exploiting less protected environments like retail stores. This guide offers actionable strategies to extend digital security measures to real-world scenarios, ensuring your business remains resilient against evolving threats.

Key insights you'll gain:

  • Understanding emerging fraud tactics: Learn about the latest fraud capabilities, including the use of generative AI, and how fraudsters are targeting both digital and physical channels.
  • Empowering your frontline employees: Discover strategies to equip your retail and branch employees with digital-level protections to detect and prevent fraud.
  • A blueprint for omnichannel fraud defense: Get a comprehensive guide on implementing consistent and effective fraud defenses across all customer touchpoints.

Protect your business today!

New subscriber fraud, in branch