Our 2018 Digital identity: Consumer confidence report is here
Exactly how much trust do Americans have in websites, online services and social platforms?
Strangers walk our dogs. They drive us around. They deliver our food. They sell us crafts, furniture and clothes. They rent us rooms. They even care for our children and grandparents. When we let people we’ve most likely never met before into our homes and into our lives, we’ve got to trust them unconditionally. But do we? Exactly how much do we actually trust these sites, services and profiles with whom we do business? (Read our previous blog post on the matter here.)
We’ve recently commissioned a study by Zogby Analytics of more than 1,000 US digital users examining their feelings and experiences around trust and identity verification in online participation. Our exploration of digital consumer perceptions regarding trust in online interactions, the prevalence of fake accounts, and what types of actions and information help users feel safe online revealed some telling insights about how average users feels about convenience versus safety, how accountable they hold companies and online platforms when doing business, just how online deception or fraud affects consumer behavior going forward, and exactly what types of actions instill trust and confidence.
Here’s in infographic to give you an overview of consumer perceptions.